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How Exercise Gives Your Kid Strong Bones

Guess what? Play is not just a game—it's a powerful tool for boosting your child's growth in sports.

This blog post explores aspects that impact bone health in children. We will focus on the relationship between physical development during these formative years and the establishment of strong bones.

We will also show you how you can guide your children toward a healthy lifestyle that sets the stage for strong bones.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of robust bone health that all begin in those early years? Let's jump right in!

The Blueprint of Bone Building

Did you know that about 80% of bone mass is determined by genetics? That's the foundation. But hold on, there's a whole lot more to this story.

The way bones grow and develop is influenced by a dynamic mix of factors, from genes to lifestyle choices. In fact, there are several environmental aspects that impact bone health in children.

During childhood, the body undergoes critical growth, and bone mass acquisition takes centre stage. While genetics have a strong influence on bone mass, it's the environment that offers a window of opportunity for intervention. The choices you make now can shape your child's bone health trajectory for years to come.

One important factor that is often overlooked, is proper physical exercise—especially in those crucial preschool years.

Childhood growth is a critical window for building bone mass. While genetics have a strong influence, it's the environmental factors that can be modified to promote optimal bone mass during childhood.

Our mission is to decode these influences, empower your kids, and create a future where strong bones are their superpower.

The Bigger Picture

We often think of bone health as something for the future, when we're older. But guess what? The choices we make today can shape that future!

Osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile and prone to fractures, isn't just a concern for seniors. It can trace its roots back to childhood.

And with an ageing population, it's more important than ever to give your kids the tools they need for a bone-strong life.

Did you know that your kids' bone health can impact the economy? It's true! Treating fractures caused by weakened bones can cost a pretty penny. Take hip fractures, for example. In the UK alone, a staggering £280 million is spent every year treating osteoporotic hip fractures.

That's where we come in. By nurturing healthy bone development now, we're not just investing in your children's well-being, but also in a stronger future for everyone.

Here's a fascinating tidbit: just like adults, kids with lower bone mineral density (BMD) tend to experience more fractures. BMD is like the building blocks of bones, and we want to make sure those blocks are strong and solid.

That's why understanding the factors that influence BMD is a game-changer. With every passing day, it becomes more crucial to devise strategies that promote bone health during childhood.

Understanding Preschool Physical Development

Studies show that when your kids hop, skip, and dance, they're not just having a blast—they're actually laying down the groundwork for healthy bones. It's like giving them a head start in the game of life.

In fact, your child's preschool years lay the foundation for future bone health. Research indicates that preschool physical activities can have a significant impact on bone mass acquisition.

Research has shown that preschool physical activities, which encompass a wide range of movements such as running, jumping, and playing, have a profound impact on bone mass acquisition.

Engaging in these activities stimulates bone cells, leading to enhanced bone mineralization. As a result, children who actively participate in physical play during their preschool years are more likely to develop robust bones that can serve them well throughout life.

Early Exercise Matters for Your Child's Bone Health

Parents, it's time to unlock the secret to your child's strong bones! Research has brought us some game-changing insights into how physical activity during early childhood and adolescence sets the stage for a lifetime of robust bone health.

Physical activity plays a positive role in building bone mass—and the younger this activity starts, the better.

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to bone health. Starting exercise during the prepubertal or early pubertal years is like planting seeds for strong bones. Research shows that these crucial periods are when exercise has the biggest impact on improving bone mass.

Did you know that the physical activity your child engages in during their formative years can shape their bone health for life?

It's a crucial predictor of peak bone mass, which plays a role in up to 17% of the variation in bone mineral density (BMD) when they reach their late 20s. Think of it as building a solid foundation for their bones to stand tall on.

Young women engaged in high-impact or weight-bearing activities like gymnastics during their childhood and early-teen years tend to have stronger bones compared to those who don't participate in such activities.

Ready for some exciting news? A simple jumping program introduced during the prepubertal years can work wonders for bone health. This school-based program has been proven to significantly boost bone mass at key areas like the hip and spine.

And here's the kicker – these amazing results can stick around for up to seven months even after the program ends. Now that's a fantastic investment in your child's future.

Similarly, a high-impact circuit-based jumping program benefits girls younger than twelve years old by increasing bone mineral content at the hip and spine. It's like giving their bones a turbo boost for optimal growth.

Furthermore, a study involving girls who played racket sports at a national level found that those who started playing around the time that they hit puberty or before, had twice the bone mineral content compared to those who started later. This is a game-changing discovery that underscores the importance of getting active early on.

Unlocking Strong Bones Through Active Play

The significance of preschool physical activity extends beyond immediate bone health benefits. Instilling the habit of active play during these formative years sets the stage for a lifetime of physical well-being.

By encouraging children to move, explore, and engage in age-appropriate exercises, parents and caregivers contribute to the development of healthy bones and a strong musculoskeletal system.

The Role of Good Nutrition

Childhood growth is a critical window for building bone mass. This includes giving them proper nutrition.

While physical activity is a cornerstone of bone health, it's important to recognize that nutrition plays a complementary role.

We all know that a balanced diet is essential for growth, and the same goes for your child's sports journey. Think of it as fueling their bodies for superhero feats!

Encourage a healthy lifestyle that includes regular high-impact and weight-bearing physical activities.

At the same time, preschoolers require adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D for optimal bone development. These nutrients work hand in hand with exercise to promote bone mineralization and strength.

Incorporating a balanced diet rich in dairy products, leafy greens, fortified foods, and outdoor activities with exposure to sunlight can provide the necessary nutrients for healthy bone growth.

A Lifelong Investment in their Health

What's the big deal about nurturing strong bones early on? Well, it's like crafting a suit of armour that shields us from the challenges of the future.

As parents, you have the power to set your child up for a future of unbreakable bones. By encouraging physical activity during their early years, you're giving them the gift of peak bone mass that can make a difference well into adulthood.

Which means that investing in a child's bone health during the preschool years reaps long-term rewards.

Strong bones built in early life serve as a safeguard against fractures and bone-related issues in the future. By prioritising physical play and ensuring proper nutrition, you can contribute to the overall well-being of your children, fostering a foundation of health that lasts a lifetime.

The effort you invest in your child's bone health during their preschool years is like planting the seeds for a vibrant, unbreakable future. The sturdy bones you help grow today, will help your kid literally standing tall tomorrow.


As a parent, you can set your kids on the path to strong, unbreakable bones. Early childhood is like a magical window for building the super-strong bones your kids will rock throughout their lives.

Preschool isn't just about ABCs and 123s; it's the era of bone-building exploits. It's the time when the foundation for a life filled with vigour and vitality is laid.

Imagine this: regular bursts of high-impact activities, such as running and jumping, combined with a nourishing diet. This winning formula can be the game-changer for maximal peak bone mass. It's like giving your child's bones the best chance to shine bright and strong.

But hey, who said strong bones can't be built with boundless giggles and joyful leaps? That's where Fitkidz comes in, creating an environment where every jump, every hop, and every stretch is a step towards a lifetime of active joy.

At Fitkidz, we're all about igniting the spark of physical development in preschoolers through exciting exercise routines that are as engaging as they are effective.

Our exciting programs create a space where your children can explore, learn, and thrive, all while having a blast.

So, parents, gear up for the adventure of a lifetime—one that sets your little ones on the path of strong bones, radiant health, and endless smiles.

Let us help you to turbocharge your children's growth in sports and lay down the foundation for a life filled with energy, strength, and, of course, lots of laughter!


  • Davies JH, Evans BAJ, Gregory JW. Bone mass acquisition in healthy children Archives of Disease in Childhood 2005;90:373-378.

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