Why Gross Motor Skills are Crucial for Your Kid's Future

Did you know how important gross motor coordination is for your kid's future?

These skills are the silent champions in a child's overall development, influencing not only playtime, but also their academic path. 

In this blog post, we'll look at gross motor coordination. We'll see what it is, how it's developed in a child, and what developmental goals you should aim for. 

What is Gross Motor Coordination?

Firstly, what are gross motor skills—and why is it crucial for every growing person to work on these abilities?

Alright, let's break it down. What's important to know is that gross motor coordination is all about controlling those large muscle groups—which are responsible for activities like jumps and skips.

However there are added benefits to gross motor coordination. It may come as something of a surprise, but this skill set is crucial to a kid's academic performance—not only their physical progress. 

This is because gross motor coordination involves intentional learning and automatic motor functions of the brain. Consider them the unsung heroes, working behind the scenes to support your child's academic journey, blending both focused learning and the magic of automatic muscle control.

If these muscles encounter challenges in core strength, balance, or coordination, your child's physical development will become strained. What's more, it will probably have a negative effect on their academic journey as well.

Gross motor coordination goes beyond just physical abilities. It's a mindful process that contributes to the development of self-control. Using those large muscle groups involves both conscious and automatic use of motor actions. 

When we talk about enhancing gross motor coordination, we're not just talking about physical skills. It is something that shapes both the body and the mind.

Interesting, isn't it?

Conscious vs. Automatic Coordination

Now, let's talk about the difference between Conscious and Automatic Coordination. They are, in effect, two sides of the same coin when it comes to motor skills.

Conscious Coordination is all about learning new skills with laser focus. Picture a determined child mastering the art of skipping – that's conscious motor coordination at play. 

Each skip is intentional, with the child actively learning and refining their skills. As they learn a new skill with focused determination, they are flexing their Conscious Coordination. It's the journey of acquiring new abilities with a laser-sharp intent.

On the flip side, Automatic Coordination involves moving without the need for active thought. It is like moving without actively thinking – running while listening to music or navigating obstacles. The kid is moving without actively thinking about what they're doing at the moment—or what actions they're body is performing.

The goal? You want a child to transition from conscious to automatic coordination. You want them to transition seamlessly from focused learning—like mastering the art of skipping—to effortlessly moving without actively thinking.  

When this happens, the child can balance and coordinate their bodies automatically. So their minds will be free to soak up any academic learning.

This transition is the key to unlocking the door to focused learning. Why? Because it frees up their mental capacity to focus on their academic pursuit and master high-level mental concepts.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, our exploration into play activities has revealed that it's not just about having fun.  They're building blocks for crucial skills that will serve your child well in various aspects of life.

This is important because when those skills aren't properly developed in early and later childhood, it can have a devastating effect on the future of your children—affecting not only their physical life but their academic performance, as well. 

The shocking truth is that delayed progress in gross motor coordination can send ripples through a child's academic journey.

At Fitkidz, we offer structured programs—where fitness is a blast and every activity is an investment in your child's future!

Remember, developing the gross motor skills of your child is an important investment in their future—with benefits that will last a lifetime.

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