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Why It's Important to Gain Control of Your Kid's Weight

In today's fast-paced world, our children's health often takes a backseat to convenience. And ensuring that our children maintain a healthy weight has become more crucial than ever before.

In this article, we're going to delve into the significance of taking charge of your child's weight and explore a practical initiative designed to make this journey easier.

Let's break down the complex medical jargon and discover why this matters for your child's well-being.

Why Weight Matters

We can't escape the truth that childhood obesity today shapes tomorrow's health landscape. Even as we march into the future, childhood obesity rates stubbornly refuse to budge, reminding us that we're far from out of the woods

It's widely recognized that childhood obesity can lead to serious health problems later in life, such as heart disease and metabolic issues. While there might be signs of a plateau in obesity rates, a substantial number of children remain at risk of health issues.

Many children continue to be at risk of health complications due to their weight. Blame it on too much screen time, too little playtime, or eating habits that miss the mark—factors that directly affect the balance of energy in the body.

Many children are falling short in these areas as these culprits collaborate to tip the scales against our children's well-being.

Striving for Solutions

The battlefield against childhood obesity is fraught with different strategies, each holding a mixed bag of outcomes.

Various intervention projects have been initiated to counter the rise of childhood obesity. These projects focus on enhancing physical activity levels, reducing sedentary behaviours, and improving nutrition. However, the results have been mixed.

A review of school-based interventions targeting obesity prevention found that interventions addressing both physical activity and diet yielded inconsistent outcomes, with less than half of those programs showing significant effects on body mass index of the children.

Why the inconsistency? Factors like the diverse strategies used and differences in study quality, such as the lack of accurate measurements of physical activity and failure to consider other influencing factors, play a role.

The Winning Strategy

You have to educate and empower your children to adopt healthy behaviours if you want to make a lasting impact on their health.

Here is a basic strategy to follow when managing your child's weight, which can be summarised in four words: "Move More, Sit Less."

You want to encourage your child to spend more time with physical activity, and less time with sedentary activities such as watching televisions, reading, playing video games, or interacting on social media on cell phones.

With regards to nutrition, you have to consider your child's diet from a perspective of energy balance, macronutrients, and instilling healthy eating behaviours.

These simple steps will result in measurable improvements in maintaining healthy weight levels for your child.

This Approach is Proven By Science

This approach was scientifically tested by a group of researchers doing their research in a group of Primary Schools in the Greater Manchester area of England.

Primary school children from this area were enrolled in a program where they were taught about nutrition, exercise and weight. They were also given practical tools to maintain a healthy weight.

This initiative focused on education, making it easier for families to embrace a lifestyle that supports optimal weight and well-being. By incorporating lessons about physical activity and nutrition into the school curriculum, the project tapped into existing routines and structures.

This comprehensive curriculum encompassed 20 weekly lesson plans, along with supplementary materials like worksheets, homework tasks, and a CD-ROM. Lessons lasted for 60 minutes each, providing students with ample opportunities to delve into discussions and practical insights regarding physical activity and nutrition.

The goal was to not only educate children but also empower families to continue these practices at home.

The system was implemented in the form of a carefully designed curriculum delivered by teachers and enhanced by family participation. Their overarching goal was to reshape the children's physical activity and dietary behaviours for the better.

The study involved 318 participants aged 10 to 11, drawn from 6 schools in the intervention group and 6 in the comparison group. The intervention spanned 20 weeks.

Measurable Triumphs

The researcher measured the waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), and BMI z-scores—essential indicators of body size—to determine if their system was working.

Additionally, the study explored secondary outcomes like objectively assessed physical activity, sedentary time, and food intake.

These outcomes were assessed at three time points: baseline, post-intervention (20 weeks), and follow-up (30 weeks). This time frame allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of the intervention's impact.

The impact was undeniable. Waistlines slimmed down, BMI scores found their balance, and the aura of vitality enveloped the intervention group.

For starters, a significant decrease in waist circumference was observed in the intervention group. On average, children lost -1.63 cm in waist size, indicating a positive impact on body size. Children who were already overweight or obese, saw the biggest drop in their waistlines, with an impressive drop on average of -2.82 cm observed.

Likewise their BMI z-scores nosedived, further supporting the beneficial effects on body size.

But it wasn't just numbers that shifted; it was lifestyles. Light intensity physical activity experienced a resounding surge within the intervention group.

Which shows that this type of approach works—and will result in a measurable difference in the life of your child too!


Remember that taking control of your child's weight is an investment in their long-term well-being. Taking control of your child's weight isn't just about appearance. Each step taken toward better health today contributes to a brighter tomorrow.

In a world where screen time often competes with playtime, it's more crucial than ever to get your kid moving. Remember, the goal isn't just to excel in sports, but to cultivate a love for staying active throughout life.

Imagine a world where exercise is always exciting, where fitness and fun are inseparable companions.

That's the world we're creating at Fitkidz! As parents, we know how important it is to set our kids up for success. By introducing them to the joy of movement at an early age, we're building the foundation for a lifetime of health and happiness.

Fitkidz is here to make sure your little ones don't just grow up – they grow up strong, confident, and full of vitality!

Our exhilarating exercise routines are specially designed to make fitness an adventure, capturing your child's imagination and turning them into the sports superstars they're destined to be.

With Fitkidz, fitness isn't just a routine; it's a thrilling adventure that will shape your child's future. So, let's embark on this journey together, ensuring that our children grow up with the best possible foundation for a vibrant and thriving life.


  • Fairclough, S.J., Hackett, A.F., Davies, I.G. et al. Promoting healthy weight in primary school children through physical activity and nutrition education: a pragmatic evaluation of the CHANGE! randomised intervention study. BMC Public Health 13, 626 (2013).

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